0417 151 115 [email protected]

– Lease Survey –

What is a Lease Survey?

A Lease Survey is a survey of a section of land or building in relation to the whole property. The survey measures the lease area which is used to determine the Rental Value of the Land or Building under the terms of a Lease Agreement.

Any land or commercial building lease with greater than 3 years term will require a Lease Plan to accompany the legal documents. This plan can only be prepared by a Licensed Surveyor. Where the lease is of part of a building complex with more than 5 shops, the Lease Plan must also contain a Master Sketch identifying all the shops in the complex.

​A Lease term of longer than 10 years must be approved by the Local Authority (Lot Reconfiguration – Lease).


Lease measurements are undertaken utilizing the BOMA Measurement Standards. 
Whether you have a Retail, Commercial, Industrial, Office Building or Mixed Use Shop / Warehouse we can provide the appropriate Lease Plan to go with your Legal Lease.

Taking into consideration Dominant Portion, Major Vertical Penetrations, Usable Areas, Common Floor & Building Areas, Basement Storage, Enclosed PArking Areas.

Example of a lease survey plan